概述:混凝土攪拌一體機對于水控制也非常重要,這也是生產(chǎn)成本控制的一個方面。 每天沖洗攪拌機和水泥罐車使用大量的水。 在混凝土凝結(jié)后很難處
攪拌一體機對于水控制也非常重要,這也是生產(chǎn)成本控制的一個方面。 每天沖洗攪拌機和水泥罐車使用大量的水。 在混凝土凝結(jié)后很難處理。 因此, 停產(chǎn)中的清潔過程是一個非常昂貴的項目。
Concrete mixer is also very important for water control, which is also an aspect of production cost control. Use plenty of water to flush the mixer and cement tank truck every day. It is difficult to deal with after the concrete has set. Therefore, the cleaning process in shutdown is a very expensive project.
而且,這些洗滌設備的洗滌水含有由水泥漿,骨料和骨料攜帶的雜質(zhì),混合 物等。 從環(huán)境保護的角度來看,水泥砂漿或混凝土的清洗用水是強堿性的,PH 值高,可達12左右,隨機排放會污染環(huán)境。 耗水量大的原因在于近年來隨著環(huán) 保要求的不斷提高,混凝土攪拌機的廢水處理也成為主要關(guān)注點。

Moreover, the washing water of these washing equipment contains impurities, mixtures, etc. carried by cement slurry, aggregate and aggregate. From the perspective of environmental protection, the cleaning water for cement mortar or concrete is strongly alkaline, with high pH value, up to about 12. Random discharge will pollute the environment. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of environmental protection requirements, the wastewater treatment of concrete mixer has become a major concern.
事實上,清水洗車也是一大浪費。 假設運輸車輛用1-2T水沖洗,每天2-3次 ,中型混合站每天使用20輛車。 例如,每天使用40-120T的水。 從這個角度來 看,洗滌水的再利用非常有利于環(huán)境保護和節(jié)約用水。
In fact, washing the car with clean water is also a waste. Suppose the transport vehicles are washed with 1-2T water, 2-3 times a day, and the medium mixing station uses 20 vehicles a day. For example, use 40-120t of water per day. From this point of view, the reuse of washing water is very conducive to environmental protection and water saving.